Leslie Klurfeld |
Leslie Klurfeld has been a student of mine both at The Athenaeum & at my studio. She is a natural for Contemporary Art with her eye for Urban Art and freedom of expression. It is such satisfaction to watch an Artist such as Leslie "bloom"!
This year I was involved in three juried group Shows In San Diego. One was at On Assignment Studios in san Diego, which included all the students in our art class at the Athenaeum with Rivian. It was called, “16 Plus One,” and two exhibitions at the La Jolla Library. One of the shows there was entitled “ New Directions In Art.” The other was a 'one subject' photography show in which the subject was pictures of the library. It was called, “ Reading Can Be Beautiful.”
My instructor at the Athenaeum Art Studio has been Rivian Butikofer. She has greatly influenced me as an artist and has 'opened up' my creativity. I also love doing photography because it is enjoyable, shows imagination, tells a story, and creates memories.
Among some of the artists that have influenced me are Pablo Picasso, Emile Nolde, Henri Matisse, and Jean –Michel Basquiat
Leslie Klurfeld
Leslie, Self, Acrylic |
Leslie, Self, Acrylic |
Leslie, After Nolde, Mixed Media |
Leslie, Faces, Mixed Media incl. Mono Type & Acrylic |
Leslie, Ater Kandinsky, Acrylic |
Leslie, After Picasso, Mixed Media |
Leslie, Photograph, "Reading Can Be Beautiful" La Jolla Library |
"Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil", Mixed Media |
Leslie, Untitled, Acrylic, Spray paint |
Leslie, Untitled, Mixed Media |