A motorcyclist on a village outskirts takes in a sign
proclaiming “Jews are not welcomed here,” circa 1935. |
Jews Are Welcome Here |
(Detail) Bottom Pane of Window
Top pane: The Artist, (Rivian), eyes representing 6.000,000 Jews who died in the Holocaust
Second pane: faces & hands representing the 6,000,000.
Third pane, My Maternal Grandparents, Samuel & Rebecca Fishman who escaped the pogroms in Russia with my Mother, Fanny as an infant. Note: My Father, Dr.Benj. Swatez was also born in Russia & escaped the pogroms. (In most of Europe the Jews had to wear the gold Star of David.)
Bottom pane: Sixty images representing the Jews who died in the Holocaust & the Jews who lived & prospered. IE: Albert Einstein, Sarah Bernhardt, Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, the Marx Bros. Israeli Citizens, members of my Family etc. contradicting Hitler's plan to have a museum dedicated to an "extinct people"! "This was extermination on an industrial scale and it involved huge numbers of people. Neighbours and employers reported Jews to the Gestapo. Bureaucrats processed notices of deportation. Postmen served them. Railway staff marshalled their departure. Others drove the trains and manned the signals. It was all logically and legally planned in an inversion of all the values on which human civilisation had been built.
So perverse was it that Hitler ordered the collection of 200,000 Jewish artefacts, which were photographed and catalogued to be displayed at the end of the war as a trophy case of archaeological remains. It was to be called The Museum of an Extinct Race."
My ART WINDOW is a testament that Hitler's plan failed...thank G-d!